Lose Body Weight Up to 15 kg in 15 Days.
If any body lose the body weight with out using medicenes so take this diet and this diet make it at home .
Body weight reduce very fast . This diet is not recommended for the long time. This diet take 5 days routine and
you repeated it 3 times and get reduce the 15 kilograms of body wieght.
Break fast is same for every day.
Two pieces of bread.
one cup of coffee without sugar .
one apple, Pear .Peach or melon .
First day
Lunch > one boiled egg take with 500 ml milk or one apple.
Dinner > two pieces of bread with 250 grams low fat cheeze.
second day
Lunch > Two pieces of bread with 150 grams of fish .
Dinner > 500 grams vegetables ( patatos , peas and carrates ) with 100 grams cheese.
Third day
Lunch > Two pieces bread , 120 fatless cheese .
Dinner > Two piece of bread , 120 grams cooked beef chicken and one apple .
Fourth day
Lunch > 500 ml milk , 1 egg , one apple , and juice .
Dinner > one piece bread and 0ne cup coffee with very low sugar .
Fifth day
Lunch > 0ne egg with 5oo ml milk and one apple .
Dinner > one piece bread with tamato , 120 beef meat , one cup of coffee with out sugsar ..
using this diet you get right results .
http://tinyurl.com/pwq293h for more information .